AYSOU stands for AYSO University, your one stop for all coach and referee courses as well as the necessary age appropriate training and certification. AYSO training courses focus on the best ways to work with children in an age-appropriate manner and the importance of safety protocols.
AYSOU offers online and in-person courses (course type will depend on the certification) as well as various course resources, materials and a list of certifications you currently have obtained.
To access AYSOU, log into your Region 146 account at www.dalycityayso.org. After logging in, click on the home tab and then click on the AYSOU tab.

Log in to AYSOU (AYSOU leverages single sign-on; however, if you are prompted to enter user credentials, these are same credentials you use to access your Region 146 account).
The following example will be to register for an in-person Assistant Referee course. Select in-person course, then select referee instructor led course.

Select which course type you would like to attend. Then scroll down and find a session either on the date or location that works for you. Once you find the session you would like to attend, click register.
*Please make sure to review the detailed course information and any prerequisites that may be required prior to attending the course.

*All volunteers are required to take AYSO Safe Haven, the CDC Concussion Course and Sudden Cardiac Arrest, all of which are online courses that can be taken at any time directly on your computer or mobile device
AYSO is proud to present its Safe Haven Program– the first of its kind in youth sports, most notably in soccer. It creates a safe environment for players, volunteers and families to enjoy the beautiful game of soccer.
The #1 priority is player safety. Precautions and guidelines are provided to minimize the occurrence of injuries and to prevent the opportunities for abuses to occur. AYSO’s Safe Haven program has been put in place to protect AYSO players and the volunteers who serve them.
The program requires that each AYSO volunteer complete and eSign a volunteer application every year, agreeing to background checks and to abide by AYSO’s philosophies and policies.
Every AYSO volunteer must apply and be accepted as a volunteer. Volunteers are also asked to complete child and volunteer protection (AYSO’s Safe Haven) and job specific training in order to become trained and certified.
AYSO training courses focus on the best ways to work with children in an age-appropriate manner and the importance of safety protocols. AYSO’s Safe Haven program is designed to protect both children and volunteers.
Every AYSO Region is required to designate a volunteer to act as the Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) to serve as the Safe Haven representative for the program and a focal point for child abuse and mandated reporting.